How to request desktop version of a Web site in Chrome for Android - CNET Google released an update to Chrome for Android, adding some key new features, one of which is the ability to request the desktop version of any Web site. Here's how it works!
mobile - How does Chrome's "Request Desktop Site" option work? - Stack Overflow For iOS google chrome, when a user hits the "Request desktop site" button what does the browser do to try to bring up a desktop site? I imagine some sort of header on the ...
New in iOS 8: Request Desktop Site in Safari - iDownloadBlog 19 Jun 2014 ... iOS 8 (Safari, Request Desktop Site teaser). Call me nitpicky, but there's this tiny little feature in ...
How to request desktop version of a Web site in Chrome for Android ... 18 Apr 2012 ... Google released an update to Chrome for Android, adding some key new features, one of which is the ...
Get Desktop Mode For Websites in Chrome for Android Permanently This is useful in certain cases where you find the desktop design of the site more compelling than .... The Request Desktop Site box will be unchecked, but the pages will open in desktop mode anyway.
mobile - How does Chrome's "Request Desktop Site" option work ... I think the only difference is the User-Agent: header in the request. Here are the User-Agent headers sent by ...
Issue 38715 - android - Chrome - Request Desktop Site needs to be permanent - Android Open Source Pr Android Open Source Project - Issue Tracker Project Home Issues New issue Search for Advanced search Search tips Subscriptions Issue 38715: Chrome - Request Desktop Site needs to be permanent ...
Can we permanently request for desktop sites on Chrome for Android ... Reason: I'm using a 10" tablet, and constantly using Chrome in mobile mode is really distorting the many websites I visited. The annoyances of having to tick the ...
Any other way to force desktop view in Chrome? - Android Message ... There's a few sites I've encountered that don't offer the full desktop view even after "request desktop site" is checked, and they don't offer a "full ...
Request Desktop site Option from Google Chrome for iOS | PUPUWEB Google Chrome for iOS provide Request Desktop site option to load website desktop version instead of mobile version web page. ... Google announced Chrome for iOS at Google I/O and was made available the same day. Chrome for iOS has one of the best ...